Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Exploring Oracle Grid Infrastructure

Fig 1:Grid Control and Oracle Applications
Grid computing treats computing as a utility. The goal is to make computing a utlitity and a commodity and therefore the term "grid". This view of utility computing is of course a "client-side" view.

As a user of Data or application,you should not care where data resides or which server processes your request. You should be able to request information or computation and have it delivered as much as you want and whatever you want. Server side, the Grid is about resource allocation,information sharing, and high availability.

Fig 2: Enterprise Grid Control Topology

Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control provides you with holistic management of your grid. You can manage your grid as a whole, rather than managing each component individually.

In E-Business Suites,OAM integration helps to monitor Multiple systems,compare systems and analyze trends etc.

You can control Applicatons services,configure the system,Diagnose and resolve system problems etc.

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